Our time in Gualeguaychu with the youth was wonderful. We want to thank everyone who was praying for us and the youth. The youth did a tremendous job each day in the heat. They lived and worked in one of the schools in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the area. Each day the youth did work in the school and then prepared for an outreach event in the different neighborhoods in the area. The evening events had crowds from 40 people to 100. Then the next day they would meet with contacts made the previous night to speak further and connect them to the church we were working with. We were so impressed with the youth's commitment and drive as well as hard work.
When asked what impacted them the most; the youth shared that the time of "evaluation " each day is what impacted them. This was a time set apart each day to share and clear the air within the group if anything needed to be discussed. Here the youth were able to work out differences and minister to each other. It always amazes me how we always receive more than we give when we go on these trips. The youth were able to grow as a group and truly learn to love each other more.
For us this trip was unique in the sense it was the first in which we were balancing family and ministry. We thank God that we were able to do both and incorporate our children where ever possible. Isa and the girls loved attending the children's festivals and they got very attached to the clowns. K was able to build some shelving for the Pastor and C enjoyed helping wherever needed as well as encouraging the youth throughout our time there.
Now, see? Wasn't that easy? The slide show looks great and it looks like you had a great trip!
You won't need me at all before you know it!
Thanks, Pippajo.. still couldn't get the music i wanted loaded and it took forever to cut and paste the slide show... i am so computer pathetic.. but i will triumph and make it work! =)
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