Zimmermans in BA

Take a look at our lives in Buenos Aires:

Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Posted are some pictures of the Isa and S Sunday school class at the christmas program at La Mision.  Isa played Joseph and S was an angel. All the children sang beautifully.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

New Home

We are finally posting some pictures of our new home.  We are so thankful to the Lord for our duplex.  It is perfect with lots of room for our family as well as for having people over! 

The kids are especially enjoying the patio.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mile Markers

I just need to take a moment and just recognize two major mile markers we hit this week.  The first occured on Wednesday.  All during this past year we prepared all our paper work that we would need to present to immigration when we got here.  I cannot tell you the time, and energy and frustration that went into it all.  At one point close to our departure date we realized we had the wrong type of Birth certificates and we needed to start over.  We called, we wrote, we drove, and we got every piece of document we needed signed, stamped, and sealed. Well after a year of all that work, this past Wednesday we went to present our paper work.  I was nervous cause there is always something missing, our police record had expired, who knows what else they would find missing or what laws had changed.   We got there at 10am and by 12:30 am we left with exactly what we needed for the next step and for K and the girls to be considered residents!  Praise God, what a load off our backs! The most amazing thing for me is to see God's providence.  The reason it was easy to become residents is because our son was born here and when I was young my parents applied for my residency.  Niether event ever occured with the thought of " oh this will help the Zim's get their residency in the future."  Yet God knew=).

The second mile marker in our journey here is that we are going to sign our lease this weekend, and we will be moving next week!  What a joy!  We packed our boxes and loaded the container back in August, so obviously we are so ready to be settled in our place.  I am not too excited about packing and unpacking again, but at least we know this is it for awhile. In this too we see God's hand.  In order to rent in Buenos Aires, you have to have a person sign that owns a property. Well we didn't think we had that till a family member looked up her information and was able to do it! Again God provided. 

So we are beginning to see the light at the end of the this tunnel of transition.  The "must do" to do list is getting shorter, and I know soon it will be replaced with new "to do's". But for tonight I am so thankful to check those two items off our list!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New ipod in the Toilet

Yesterday ended with the news that our new ipod accidentally fell in the toilet. I wonder if it had been any other day, if we would have been more upset, but yesterday we weren't.  

I (C) was invited to come share a devotional in a young girls cell/small group.  This cell group is led by one of the young ladies that was a teenager during our time here 6 yrs ago.  I can still see her sitting in my Sunday school class on Galations, and her eyes openning wide when she realized why Christ had to die on the cross for our sins.  Now here she is all grown up, a young lady leading her own group of teen girls.  I know I keep mentioning that my greatest joy has been to see some of the youth that have now grown up serving passionately in the church, but I can't help it.

None of this is to toot my own horn .. on the contrary it is to toot God's horn.  It is amazing that He in is His infinite wisdom has chosen to include us in the work of expanding the kingdom.  He doesn't need us.  I can remember John Piper saying once, we need to be used by Him not vice versa.  It is so true.  Anyways, many times we don't get to see the fruit of what one does... yesterday I was humbled to see how God really can use us.  So that is what I chose to share with the girls.  My whole talk was based on how God uses us, how God used people in Acts to affect history.  Saul was ministered to by Ananais when Ananais didn't understand why God would call him to speak to the biggest persecutor of Christianity.  Yet he obeyed and that obedience brought about eternal fruit.  An investment that lasts.
I was able to share with the girls that people invested in me and spent time with me to share Christ.  God used so many people and still uses so many people to speak to my heart, to challenge me , to grow me, etc.  He does that in all our lives. Then in turn God give us the same opportunity to spread his Kingdom in others.  So to God's glory, He includes us in His story of redemptive history.  I know none of this is earth shattering or new and I know many who read this can add there own stories of God's work in them and through them.  I guess it comes down to the fact that it is just amazing to watch it before my eyes.  Here is this one youth, now investing in younger girls, and the cycle will then continue.
So obviously after spending time with the girls and pondering investing our lives in things that affect eternity.. what does the fact that my ipod fell in the toilet matter?  That is exactly how long material things and things of this world last.. only until they encounter the toilet.  Yet it astounds me how God can use us in small ways to have huge, exponential, lasting affects for eternity.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New Connections

Though there is much to do for my residency paperwork, I found a little time to begin to look for potential job opportunities for the students of the up and coming vocational school.  I honestly only wanted to look and get a feel for the companies in the neighborhood surrounding La Mision.  I knew there were several in the immediate vacinity of the church, so I ventured out to take a gander.  What I did not expect was to make contact with one of the most well-respected funiture manufacutures in all of Buenos Aires!  And what is even more exciting is that they are interested in the potencial of the vocational school.  
I know it sounds a little crazy but it is true.  Unknowingly I was speaking with the one of company directors who had greeted me at the door and escorted me through their showroom. Noting that I was not a native Argentine (I am assuming because my Spanish was less than perfect) began to ask very direct questions, like, "What was I doing in Argentina?", ect.   After a little introduction about myself and my design background I took a chance and began to explain my vision for the vocational school.  (Even now I am not sure why...I was unprepared and underdressed).  And if that were not enough I told him that I was collabora
ting with a local church in here in Buenos Aires and that we were in partnership with many churches in the US that were helping with the project.  Promptly after this explination he asked if we were evangelicals...to which I said yes, of couse.  Suprisingly enough
he was excited about the school and its potential!  I think he could tell that I was a little taken back at his response, so he explained that there is a real deficinancy of well-trained, ethical workers. At the end of our conversation he stated that he would love to, at my convience, take me on a tour of the manufacturing/fabricating plant.  In all the time I have dreamed and prayed about this vision, I would never have thought that this type of connection would happen so quickly!  Who knows what will come of it?  I just thank the Lord for this rare and encoraging encounter if for nothing else that, once again, it showed me that all things are possible, even things beyond our imangination, when left in God's hands.  So lets expectantly wait and see.  Oh, did I mention that the showroom and factory is located in walking distance from the "villas" we'd be working in?  Now that is amazing!
Take a look...http://www.fontenla-furniture.com/frontend/planta_eng.htm?lang=eng&

Sunday, October 26, 2008

S's 3rd Birthday

This past Saturday we celebrated S's 3rd Birthday.  It was even more significant for us as a family because it was the first big celebration here in Argentina.  It is popular here to have children's parties at special places.  Similar to the Sates to like having a party in McDonalds or Chucky Cheese, here they are called "Salons de Fiesta."  We found a place we love that is also a play center and coffee shop that also hosts parties.  It was perfect.  Most of our friends from La Mision  came so it was a great time to get together. Sarah celebrated with her new buddies and the adults hung out.. some adults even played where they weren't supposed to. I posted some pictures.  More will come later due to the fact that our battery was dying so here is just a few. 

Waiting for our friends.

"A" really rather play than take a picture.

"S" hanging out with Maximo
"S" and her new buddy

Cake time!

Trick candles

Even the dads had fun.. until they were reminded of the age limit.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Home

Our days are currently spent looking through adds and calling real estate agents looking for our permanent home.  We have gone to see three so far.  It is amazing the differences between homes within our price range of the homes.  Well, today we found one we love.  The only problem is we need to have what is called a "guarantee" or what you would say is a cosigner.  This is pretty tricky, and we don't have a dependable one yet.  So we need to pray that somehow we get a person who owns a property in the area we want to rent that has not helped anyone else rent.  All this needs to happen before the property gets rented by someone else and good properties like this one go quickly.
We are at peace because we know God has us where He wants us and will provide the home for us.  The children prayed about it tonight and began to ask some good questions.  K mentioned to Isa and S to pray to see if this is the house God would have for us and Isa asked, "How do we know what God wants if we can't see or hear him?" K answered him sharing how we know through other people, circumstances, prayer, the Word, and sometimes we just know cause of the peace we feel.  Lastly, K said, "We just need to pray so that God would open doors for us to know if this is our new home." And then S prayed, "Jesus, open doors, amen."  Isa prayed, "Jesus open the door to the right place.".... so we are tickled by the evening prayer time and teaching opportunity in the midst of the stress.   We shall see which one is for us.  After moving around and living out of suitcases and boxes since mid-August, we are ready to settle down.  We can't wait to post some pics when we finally move in!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pics "in Argentina over a month"

Our Car: A Renault Kangoo (we will get a window 
put in.)

The other side, also needs a window.

Our First Sunday: Eber getting ordained

The reading of the Book of Order (FYI, K made the 
cross in the background 6yrs. ago)

Time of prayer

The girls hiding in the pulpit.

A with one of the youth that now has grown up

Isa with another youth that has grown up!

Isa and S with the kids at church for a brunch.

S and a new friend.

S and a friend trying to play the drums.

The Spring Youth Coffee House:

C's old roommate with her son and A

A taking down the decorations.

C and the girls.

The youth drama portraying the work of Christ.

Em saying good bye with S.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

In Argentina over a Month

We have now been in Argentina for over a month.  Believe it or not, it is still hard to believe we are here.  Life has been so busy and hectic that we have yet to truly digest the fact that we are here!  Thankfully things are beginning to fall into place.  Let me break it down into categories.

Family Life:
Our days have been just trying to do different things with the children in the midst of all the other things that need to get done.  We have taken them to the parks and the "peloteros."  You got to love it... you can go get a great cup of coffee with a pastry while your kids play on the slides, etc.  It is like having a McD's playplace in restaurants and cafes.  Some restaurants even have a paid person to watch the kids!!! (Unfortunately A is still too young to be left with the supervision).  The weather is getting warmer here, so we have enjoyed the back patio, the parks and going for walks. Of course, TV has been a great help when we absolutely need to get things done and since it is all in Spanish, we see it as a children's language course =).
Things are beginning to settle down.  As of two weeks ago we finished the transaction for purchasing a car.  That has been a huge help since we had been using public transportaion with three little ones.   Each bus ride was quite the adventure, and Isaiah loved taking the trains. Regardless, life is much easier now with the car.  For those curious we bought a Renalt Kangoo. I'll try to get a pic up so you can see it.  The second thing that has helped is getting our oldest in school.  It took longer than expected but we finally found a bilingual school somewhat close and that also had vacancies.  When we asked our oldest what he preferred a Christian school or a school that spoke both English and Spanish but they didn't teach about Jesus, he told us he would teach them about Jesus.  I think he is more prepared to minister sometimes than I am! Due to the fact that he freezes in places were only Spanish was spoken we decided on the bilingual school.  So far he is adjusting slowly.  If you can keep this in prayer, it has been difficult on him the most.  School ends the first week of Dec. so this is just a small taste of school for the time being.

Church Life:
Being back at La Mision has been wonderful  though things have changed, the building, the people, etc, the spirit is still the same.  It is such a contagious place.  I can't really describe it other than saying that I am so impacted by how so many of the individuals live the Christian life daily in their communities.  It humbles me and excites me to see some of the youth we discipled years ago, now mature and working, studying and volunteering, all with the desire to serve the Lord.  They now are pouring into the current younger people and it is just an immense blessing to watch!  They coordinated a youth coffee house to celebrate Spring and it was phenominal.  Great music, food, drama, decorations (which my kids kept pulling down)  =).

Our first Sunday back was very moving.  We got to see old friends, and made new ones.  An elder was ordained and deacons were appointed.  It was just neat to see the church plugging ahead.  We have begun to join the church community slowly as we work on all our transitional stuff.  For now we are part of small groups,  supporting exisiting events, and reacquainting ourselves with many members.  Soon we will meet with the session to continue working together on the vocational school and any other area they see our gifts fitting into.  For now, summer is on the way and things will slow down a bit.  It will give us a chance to try to find a home, etc and then come March be able to jump in fully.

That is it for now.  Blessings.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Creating the Blog

We finally joined the blog world.  Not sure what we are doing, but slowly we will get the hang of it.  Our main desire is to be able to connect with friends, family and supporters who desire to see more in depth into our daily lives here in Argentina.  So enjoy, comment and ask as you experience our new life through this new medium for us.

We thought we'd start with posting some pics from the our travel date:

The Buffalo Airport

Taking a pic with friends.. you may ask where is K ... dealing with the fact that A's ticket was cancelled again.  (We are going to use letters to reference our names since this is a public site)

At least someone went to keep him company at the counter!

Friends helped watch the kids:

Mr. C holding S

S enjoying the O's!

Buds till the end.

They may be the youngest in the group, but don't under estimate them!

S took the extra time to ask the engineer some questions.

She is still seeking a better answer =).