Zimmermans in BA

Take a look at our lives in Buenos Aires:

Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Invisible Children


I was checking my Facebook as I like to do so periodically during the day, and I was hit with a link a friend posted. It is the story of three college aged guys who went to Africa to make movies and their lives were changed forever. What they saw affected them in a deep way. They saw first hand the children abducted to become children soldiers for an evil man named Kony... A man whose agenda is purely power. He is described as pure evil, changing innocent children into monsters. Needless to say, I was impacted by this video all that they show and tell about the history of Uganda. Then I am further impacted in a different way, by the thought that 3 young guys, saw an injustice and for the last 6yrs have been doing all they can to fight it. They have created a worldwide movement to stop Kony. I was also hit by the reality of what one man can do, one evil man. This man has 5 countries in Africa living in Fear!

Now think about it. One person, controlling 5 nations through fear, abducting children. 3 young college kids in the forefront of bringing peace and change... WOW.. what can I as one person do? Even more so, what can I with the power of the Holy Spirit living in me do? I ask you the same thing? What can you as one person do? A LOT! I know this has not much to do with our work here in Argentina, but at the same time it does. It has given me a kick in the pants.. to get working, get praying to open my eyes to see how can I use my gifts to bring change. I challenge you in your life, in your sphere of influence to do the same. It has given me a bigger burden to challenge the young youth here in La Mison especially the college kids to be inspired. We have been feeling a burden to start a college group at La Mision, and this has confirmed it for us. We want our college kids to use their gifts to be an impact on this world for God's glory. Pray with us that we all would hear God's call and rise above ourselves!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March forward

Hee hee.. did you catch my play on words... it is finally March and for us it is time to "march forward."  Arriving to March has been a goal of mine since we started packing our house in Buffalo.  I knew back then that it would take at least six months to get settled in and a year to feel at home.  I knew that would come in the Fall (which is in March here), we would have some kind of routine in place once the kids were in school and things at church would go into full swing after the summer.

And so it is... Isa has started school on the 2nd. He is loving it, though I worry about how long his school day is.  He leaves about 7:45 and doesn't get home till about 4:45. He is going to a bi-lingual school and is enjoying his new friends.  I totally respect him.  He began school at the end of the school year last year.  He was there from Oct. to Dec.  He began without speaking any Spanish.  Now, he speaks and communicates well.  I am amazed and blessed by his transition.  Thank you for your prayers, God has answered them.  Keep them coming for a good school year =).  "S"  will begin pre-school next Monday.  She will be going to a school nearer to us and is only in Spanish.  We also had the option to send "A," but we have decided to let her stay home and enjoy one more year with her mommy.

On the ministry side, things are starting to pick up.  "K" today will be visiting one of the "villas" that is predominantly Paraguayan. He will be going with the director of the social service ministry as well as one of our youth (that is no longer as young as we remember hee hee).  In this location there is a group of carpenters that want to learn to make kitchen cabinets, so it is a perfect way for "K" to make contacts into this community as well as laying the groundwork in this area for the vocational school.  Please keep all this covered in prayer!  Keep his safety in prayer as violence in the villas is very high.

For me, "C", I have met and will continue meeting with my cell group weekly and we are now doing a book study.  I am excited because I also have started meeting with a key leader to plan out the Bible school for the leaders in the church.  We are preparing the curriculum and classes and hope to begin meeting with our teachers in the next few weeks and then kick off soon after. Again keep this in prayer.  The church is in a very hard place and is walking through many transitions.

Ok, this blog entry has gotten long.  We will attempt to write more often. Still getting used to  the whole blog thing... Feel free to send questions or ideas of what you would like to see discussed on the blog.  That will help me with entry topics =) Blessings!!