Zimmermans in BA

Take a look at our lives in Buenos Aires:

Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Home

Our days are currently spent looking through adds and calling real estate agents looking for our permanent home.  We have gone to see three so far.  It is amazing the differences between homes within our price range of the homes.  Well, today we found one we love.  The only problem is we need to have what is called a "guarantee" or what you would say is a cosigner.  This is pretty tricky, and we don't have a dependable one yet.  So we need to pray that somehow we get a person who owns a property in the area we want to rent that has not helped anyone else rent.  All this needs to happen before the property gets rented by someone else and good properties like this one go quickly.
We are at peace because we know God has us where He wants us and will provide the home for us.  The children prayed about it tonight and began to ask some good questions.  K mentioned to Isa and S to pray to see if this is the house God would have for us and Isa asked, "How do we know what God wants if we can't see or hear him?" K answered him sharing how we know through other people, circumstances, prayer, the Word, and sometimes we just know cause of the peace we feel.  Lastly, K said, "We just need to pray so that God would open doors for us to know if this is our new home." And then S prayed, "Jesus, open doors, amen."  Isa prayed, "Jesus open the door to the right place.".... so we are tickled by the evening prayer time and teaching opportunity in the midst of the stress.   We shall see which one is for us.  After moving around and living out of suitcases and boxes since mid-August, we are ready to settle down.  We can't wait to post some pics when we finally move in!

1 comment:

Pippajo said...

Yippee! What great life lessons your children are getting! Seeing your faith acted out in such obvious, tangible ways.