Zimmermans in BA

Take a look at our lives in Buenos Aires:

Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Creating the Blog

We finally joined the blog world.  Not sure what we are doing, but slowly we will get the hang of it.  Our main desire is to be able to connect with friends, family and supporters who desire to see more in depth into our daily lives here in Argentina.  So enjoy, comment and ask as you experience our new life through this new medium for us.

We thought we'd start with posting some pics from the our travel date:

The Buffalo Airport

Taking a pic with friends.. you may ask where is K ... dealing with the fact that A's ticket was cancelled again.  (We are going to use letters to reference our names since this is a public site)

At least someone went to keep him company at the counter!

Friends helped watch the kids:

Mr. C holding S

S enjoying the O's!

Buds till the end.

They may be the youngest in the group, but don't under estimate them!

S took the extra time to ask the engineer some questions.

She is still seeking a better answer =). 

1 comment:

Pippajo said...

Hey Claudia,

This is Shrop, but I'm known on blogger as Pippajo (don't ask, it's a long and dumb story). Welcome to blogland! I'll be following you!