Zimmermans in BA

Take a look at our lives in Buenos Aires:

Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Missions Conference: Day 1

We are thrilled to be a part of the first ever Missions conference at La Mision church. Personally it has been a challenge as we prepare for our workshops. Last night was the first big meeting, and as I sat there I realized this is all new for everyone there. In the States we are so accustomed (we, meaning church goers) to mission conferences and all that goes with them. It is a whole new experience to be at the place where for the first time these youth are being challenged with the call to missions especially when there is so much to do right around them. For all of us, believers, missions is an everyday thing; something we all need to remember no matter where we live. Yet there is also much to be done around the world. Pray with us as we prepare our workshops and that they would communicate to the youth where they are and help take them to a new level of understanding. Our prayer is that many will receive the call to GO, and that those that are called to stay would also Stay and make an impact here in Buenos Aires! Revolution is the theme! Bring on the Revolution!

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