Zimmermans in BA

Take a look at our lives in Buenos Aires:

Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Friday, November 9, 2012

November Prayer update

We hope this blog entry finds you well.  Especially if you have been affected by Hurricane Sandy!  Our prayers are with you and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help even though we are far away.  

We here are nearing the end of the year and the end of the ministerial year.  Here in Argentina since summer begins in December, it is like the whole city shuts down and November begins to mark the beginning of the end.  The children have final exams in school and year end programs.  The church begins to take a break in the different ministry areas for the summer. The case is also so for us more this year as we prepare to furlough or go home for home assignment. Kyle is finishing up his classes in the neighborhoods with a bang as they are planning and dreaming of next year's projects.  Thrilled cause last week one of the designers Kyle met downtown came to brainstorm ideas with kids in the villas!  He has never set foot in a villa/shanty town! Needless to say , we are so thankful for how God is opening doors in the shanty towns as well and in the professional, downtown environment.  Pray for Kyle as he has three key meetings in the coming weeks (a multinational corporation, an architectural firm and a government official). All related to the work in the shanty towns. 

Anyway, furlough or home assignment, call it what you like, is a time for us to head to the States and share in person what God has been doing here. 

We ask for prayer as all the details begin to come together.  Right now we have purchased tickets and will be flying into Memphis Dec 15th and returning to Argentina Feb 26th.  During those months we look forward to visiting many of you, especially in the TN, NY, PA area and all those in between. Others.. we will have to pray to see when and how we can get to visit some other areas of the USA.. like California and Florida (hee hee wouldn't that be nice, esp in the winter =)!!

We look forward to the biggest thing and that is reinforcing as well as building new relationships. Allow me to expand on that and share what I have been learning.  This week in teaching a Bible class on the basics of the faith I was reminded about how being a Christian is about relationship.  Relationship with Christ that moves us into relationship with each other. We thank God we can be in relationship with Him and that He unites us to be the body together.  I was also hit with this reality at the women's retreat this past weekend.. as women from both the Flores area and the upper class Palermo area worshiped together.   God met us there and ministered to each of us and through each of us.  Conversations, prayers, laughter all united us.  The most amazing moment for me came as I facilitated a small group made up of a mix of social, economic, religious and cultural backgrounds.  As I began to ask questions one shared about her desire to see God in true community and the struggle she has had to find that.  And then another spoke and shared about her difficult year as she is battling a disease that is so poorly understood and she was afraid to tell about it at church since she functions in different ministries as a leader. Well here she said it, "I have leprosy."  And the group embraced her, prayed for her and in that moment we all sensed true, redemptive community. Relationship!  Where would we be without it.. without His, without each others? Continue to pray with us for our friend's complete healing and all God will do through her testimony. 

We thank God for our relationship with you as well and how God uses you to make it possible for us to be here. Know that we covet your prayers as we continue to face a financial deficit in our support level.  Pray with us that the Lord will open new doors when we are home and that we will be able to build and share with new relationships what God is doing here in BA.  Please contact us so we can schedule a visit with you, your small group and or your church.
