Zimmermans in BA

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Zimmerman Family Video from dFeLo on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter: Celebrate the Resurrection!

USA Easter tradition: Coloring Easter Eggs 

Celebrating Easter.. we constantly remind our children what is Easter about.. Isa will answer "Jesus' resurrection" then we will continue to say "why celebrate it?", "How does it affect you?" After talking about it with him and getting funny answers as always, I am left wondering, why do I celebrate Easter. Do I really internalize what I say I believe? Do I believe in resurrection life and all that Christ did for me on the cross? And if I really do believe it, do I see change in my life brought about by that belief? I long to see the power of the resurrection in my life and the life of those around me. Our prayer is to see that power transform lives here Argentina. We pray you see it in your life today! I leave you today with those questions as we celebrate Easter together in different parts of the world! Felices Pascuas Amigos!

Argentine Easter Tradition: Making Easter bread called "La Rosca de Pascua."  S and I got to make one in her preschool.

Celebrating Easter in the neighborhood, Los Pinos


A choir from Puerto Rico visited and ministered in Los Pinos.  La Mision's children's choir also sang!