I just need to take a moment and just recognize two major mile markers we hit this week. The first occured on Wednesday. All during this past year we prepared all our paper work that we would need to present to immigration when we got here. I cannot tell you the time, and energy and frustration that went into it all. At one point close to our departure date we realized we had the wrong type of Birth certificates and we needed to start over. We called, we wrote, we drove, and we got every piece of document we needed signed, stamped, and sealed. Well after a year of all that work, this past Wednesday we went to present our paper work. I was nervous cause there is always something missing, our police record had expired, who knows what else they would find missing or what laws had changed. We got there at 10am and by 12:30 am we left with exactly what we needed for the next step and for K and the girls to be considered residents! Praise God, what a load off our backs! The most amazing thing for me is to see God's providence. The reason it was easy to become residents is because our son was born here and when I was young my parents applied for my residency. Niether event ever occured with the thought of " oh this will help the Zim's get their residency in the future." Yet God knew=).
The second mile marker in our journey here is that we are going to sign our lease this weekend, and we will be moving next week! What a joy! We packed our boxes and loaded the container back in August, so obviously we are so ready to be settled in our place. I am not too excited about packing and unpacking again, but at least we know this is it for awhile. In this too we see God's hand. In order to rent in Buenos Aires, you have to have a person sign that owns a property. Well we didn't think we had that till a family member looked up her information and was able to do it! Again God provided.
So we are beginning to see the light at the end of the this tunnel of transition. The "must do" to do list is getting shorter, and I know soon it will be replaced with new "to do's". But for tonight I am so thankful to check those two items off our list!